[FreeBSD-Announce] Raise a Million - Spend a Million!

Deb Goodkin deb at freebsd.org
Tue Apr 16 13:13:40 UTC 2013

FreeBSD is internationally recognized as an innovative leader in 
providing a high-performance, secure, and stable operating system. Our 
mission is to continue and increase our support and funding to keep 
FreeBSD at the forefront of operating system technology. But, we can’t 
do this without your help!

Last year with your generosity, we raised over $770,000. This allowed us 
to not only achieve our goal, but to exceed it by over $250,000.

This year, with your help, we will do more.
This year we will double the amount we spend.
This year we will invest $1,000,000 to support and promote FreeBSD.

What will the Foundation accomplish with your donation in 2013?
• Spend almost $600,000 on software development projects for FreeBSD.
• Support the Release Engineering and Security teams with paid staff time.
• Grow to five technical staff members by year-end.
• Support BSD conferences around the globe, in Europe, Japan, Canada, 
and the USA.
• Spend over $130,000 on hardware to maintain and improve FreeBSD 
project infrastructure.
• Grow the FreeBSD community through marketing and outreach to users and 
• Protect the FreeBSD trademarks and provide the project with access to 
legal counsel.

We have kicked off the new year with 3 newly funded projects, and are 
actively soliciting additional project proposals now. We've added one 
new technical staff member and are in the process of adding more.

Please support the Foundation during our Spring Fundraising Drive, and 
help us raise $100,000 from 1000 donors between April 16th and May 30th.

We can’t do this without you! Just go to 
http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/donate to make your donation. Then talk 
to your employer to either match your gift or to make their own donation.

Thank you for your support!

The FreeBSD Foundation

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