[FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE is now available

Ken Smith kensmith at FreeBSD.org
Mon May 9 14:02:00 PDT 2005

The Release Engineering Team is happy to announce the availability
of FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE, the latest release of the FreeBSD Stable
development branch.  Since FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE in November 2004 we have
made many improvements in functionality, stability, performance, and device
driver support for some hardware, as well as dealt with known security issues
and made many bugfixes.

For a complete list of new features, known problems, and late-breaking
news, please see the release notes and errata list, available here:


FreeBSD 5.4 will become an "Errata Branch".  In addition to Security
fixes other well-tested fixes to basic functionality will be committed
to the RELENG_5.4 branch after the release.  Both Security Advisories
and Errata Notices are announced on the freebsd-announce at freebsd.org
mailing list.

It is expected there will be at least one more release from the RELENG_5
branch, most likely two.  The current plans are for the RELENG_6 branch
to be created within the next few months, and an initial 6.0-RELEASE will
be made a few months afterwards.  There will be a 5.5-RELEASE following
a few months after the 6.0-RELEASE.

For more information about FreeBSD release engineering activities,
please see:



The FreeBSD 5.4 Release is dedicated to the memory of Cameron Grant.
Cameron was an active FreeBSD Developer and principal architect of the
sound driver subsystem despite his physical handicap.  His is a superb
example of human spirit dominating over adversity.  Cameron was an
inspiration to those who met him; he will be fondly remembered and sorely


FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE supports the i386, amd64, ia64, pc98, sparc64, and
alpha architectures and can be installed directly over the net, using
bootable media, or copied to a local NFS/FTP server.  Distributions for
all architectures except alpha are available now.  The distribution for
alpha should become available within the next day or two.

Please continue to support the FreeBSD Project by purchasing media
from one of our supporting vendors.  The following companies will be
offering FreeBSD 5.4 based products:

   FreeBSD Mall, Inc.        http://www.freebsdmall.com/
   Daemonnews, Inc.          http://www.bsdmall.com/freebsd1.html

If you can not afford FreeBSD on media, are impatient, or just want to
use it for evangelism purposes, then by all means download the ISO
images.  We can not promise that all the mirror sites will carry the
larger ISO images.  At the time of this announcement they are available
from the following sites.  MD5 checksums for the release images are included
at the bottom of this message.


As with the 5.3 release we are experimenting with Bittorrent.  A collection
of trackers for the release ISO images is available at



At the time of this announcement the following FTP sites have FreeBSD
5.4-RELEASE available.


FreeBSD is also available via anonymous FTP from mirror sites in the
following countries and territories: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil,
Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia,
South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine,
United Kingdom, and the United States.

Before trying the central FTP site, please check your regional
mirror(s) first by going to:


Any additional mirror sites will be labeled ftp2, ftp3 and so on.

More information about FreeBSD mirror sites and the current list of
all active mirror sites can be found at:


For instructions on installing FreeBSD, please see Chapter 2 of The
FreeBSD Handbook.  It provides a complete installation walk-through
for users new to FreeBSD, and can be found online at:



The FreeBSD Developers deserve the most thanks.  Without their efforts
FreeBSD would not exist.

Many companies donated equipment, network access, or man-hours to
finance the release engineering activities for FreeBSD 5.4 including
The FreeBSD Mall, Hewlett Packard, Yahoo!, Sentex Communications, and

The release engineering team for 5.4-RELEASE includes:

  Scott Long <scottl at FreeBSD.org>		Release Engineering
  Robert Watson <rwatson at FreeBSD.org>		Release Engineering,
  John Baldwin <jhb at FreeBSD.org>		Release Engineering
  Ken Smith <kensmith at FreeBSD.org>		Release Engineering,
						amd64, i386, sparc64 Release
                                        	Mirror Site Coordination
  Hiroki Sato <hrs at FreeBSD.org>			Release Engineering,
  Doug White <dwhite at FreeBSD.org>		Release Engineering
  Murray Stokely <murray at FreeBSD.org>		Release Engineering,
  Wilko Bulte <wilko at FreeBSD.org>		Alpha Release Building
  Marcel Moolenaar <marcel at FreeBSD.org>		ia64 Release Building
  Takahashi Yoshihiro <nyan at FreeBSD.org>	pc98 Release Building
  Kris Kennaway <kris at FreeBSD.org>		Package Building
  Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus at FreeBSD.org>	Package Building
  Jacques A. Vidrine <nectar at FreeBSD.org>	Security Officer
  Paul Saab <ps at FreeBSD.org>			Bittorrent Coordination

CD Image Checksums

  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso) = 6882dd5ce59cda1ba4a66ef45f017597
  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso) = 26bca75d799c0a1690c6ae0bf0886234
  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-amd64-disc2.iso) = 3da9debeae15a49158b01b1d92843fbc

  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso) = 2afe65af7e7b994c3ce87cefda27352e
  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso) = 3dbb37485535e129354bc099e24aed99
  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-i386-disc2.iso) = e4b748415ca783fce64cfafd6bd56f57

  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-ia64-bootonly.iso) = 45b032bf952e7ea8b2c42f94c3fa4997
  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-ia64-disc1.iso) = 2b1ad22da2ea0fe86345c99590049ebd
  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-ia64-disc2.iso) = 62e589928628453f1813db7402b4f3ad
  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-ia64-livefs.iso) = 6c05d71c36d84179923668faddf58e43

  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-pc98-disc1.iso) = 003dee8647e9b2cbca7df0d92011800f

  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-sparc64-bootonly.iso) = 91cb2304c2ecbcce0b312738649ba88d
  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-sparc64-disc1.iso) = 5f77c9a20e09d5ef66fad9c60e17c2ac
  MD5 (5.4-RELEASE-sparc64-disc2.iso) = 7da34a32ca8196a34732548fe92d71e6


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