Announce: JDK1.1.8 for FreeBSD

Nate Williams nate at
Mon Jun 7 16:37:39 PDT 1999

As always, it is my great pleasure to announce the newest version of the
Java Development Kit for JDK1.1 ported to FreeBSD.

Note, FreeBSD along with one of the available JIT compilers makes for a
very nice development/deployment platform for Java applications.  (Check
out the WWW page for pointers on the various JIT compilers).

As always, all the necessary information is available on the official
FreeBSD Java webpage, at:

Both FreeBSD 2.2 using A.OUT binaries and FreeBSD 3.X/4.X are supported
with ELF format binaries.  Make sure to grab the correct version, or
better yet use the FreeBSD's port system which will give you the correct
release (/usr/ports/lang/jdk).

New for this release:
- JDK1.1.8 support, which includes a number of security fixes supplied by Sun.

In addition, a few bugfixes accompanied this release.
- LOCALE support should now work again.
- Timezone should be correctly detected in FreeBSD 3.X/4.X.
- Older FreeBSD ELF releases (3.0R,3.1R) should be supported without the
  need to patch the operating system or install a new runtime loader.

If you have problems, send email to java-port at

JDK2 status:
   With the release of the JDK2 diffs from the Linux project, it should
make the porting effort easier.  However, with vacations, JavaOne, and
other issue it is not expected that a JDK2 port will be forthcoming
anytime in the near future.  Also, the recent JDK1.1.8 port allows us to
more easily port the FreeBSD changes to the new JDK2 code-base.

  However, if you just need Swing support, the JDK1 port above along
with the seperate Swing distribution for JDK1 works *very* well, and is
much faster and more stable than the Swing distribution that is part of
JDK2 (on all platforms).  For other needs such as JINI and Java2/3D,
you'll need to port JDK2 or wait for the team to finish the port.

- The FreeBSD JDK team

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