Taking full advantage of Intel Quad Core with Freebsd 7.2p2

Steven Hartland killing at multiplay.co.uk
Fri Jul 31 14:04:48 UTC 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Randy Schultz" <schulra at earlham.edu>

> -}#1 It depends on the code we have found but 4+
> -}#2 Not sure portupgrade in 7.2 supports -j properly yet, I know there's
> -}been some recent work in that area not sure who far its got.
> Also, pls note that /usr/src/UPDATING advises against the -j option when
> compiling the system sources.

Can't say I've ever had issues compiling system sources and we use
-j 32 on a dual quad with HT so 16 cores.


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