amd64/121439: [boot] Installation of FreeBSD 7.0 fails: ACPI problem with abit ip35 pro

Isaac Mushinsky itz at
Mon Mar 17 15:10:04 UTC 2008

The following reply was made to PR amd64/121439; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Isaac Mushinsky" <itz at>
To: bug-followup at, paul.antonescu at
Subject: Re: amd64/121439: [boot] Installation of FreeBSD 7.0 fails: ACPI problem with abit ip35 pro
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 10:39:08 -0400

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 I have the same board and a similar problem installing 7.0
 I was able to install by setting SATA controller from IDE to AHCI mode with
 ACPI. My workaround configuration is to set thermal polling rate to a very
 high number, so the exception occurs only once during boot.
 It is workable, but far from ideal:
 1. I cannot boot without ACPI (system hangs apparently trying to mount /)
 2. Thermal still does not work and throws exceptions. Perhaps there is a fix
 to ACPI table for this?
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 <div>I have the same board and a similar problem installing 7.0</div>
 <div>I was able to install by setting SATA controller from IDE to AHCI mode with ACPI. My workaround configuration is to set thermal polling rate to a very high number, so the exception occurs only once during boot.</div>
 <div>It is workable, but far from ideal:</div>
 <div>1. I cannot boot without ACPI (system hangs apparently trying to mount /)</div>
 <div>2. Thermal still does not work and throws exceptions. Perhaps there is a fix to ACPI table for this?</div>

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