6.2-RELEASE on Sun Fire X2100

Nathan Whitehorn nathanw at uchicago.edu
Fri Feb 23 16:18:27 UTC 2007

Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
> I have a brand new Sun Fire X2100 server (Opteron 148, 2 GB RAM) on
> which I'm trying to install FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE using a USB CD-ROM.
> The CD image is amd64-disc1 from ftp.no.freebsd.org, MD5 checksum OK.
> The server crashes while loading /boot/loader (eip=0000288b, IIRC).
> Is this a known issue, or should I suspect a problem with the drive or
> the USB BIOS?

I had no luck with exactly this procedure, and had to install the OS
with an IDE CDROM from another machine. I think it's a firmware bug.

Here's how to use an IDE CD-ROM:
There's a small IDE jumper cable between the main board and the
backplane for where the CD drive is, had you ordered one, that you can
use. The X2100 has no molex power connectors in the interior, though, so
you have to get power for somewhere else. I used another machine next to
the server. It's a horrible ugly hack, but you need only do it once.

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