FreeBSD nfe driver for NVIDIA nForce network adapter

Tyler Gee geekout at
Sat May 6 15:55:08 UTC 2006

Sorry for the newbie question, but how do I know if I need one of the
PHY patches.  I have a cheap eMachines that has a nForce 410 chipset,
but they don't bother to ever tell what kind of motherboard it is nor
any other details.

Is there any hard in applying all the patches?

I suppose I could just do it one at a time until one works, but I want
a definitive way to find out and haven't been able.


On 5/6/06, JoãoBR <joao at> wrote:
> Pascal Hofstee wrote:
> >
> > The Cicada PHY patch is Not part of the nfe-tarballs provided by
> > Shigeaki Tagahira.
> >
> I know, the problem I had on the nforce3 ultra not the nfroce4.
> I probably had some mismatch of the former driver from 0428 and the new
> one or copied the wrong ko into kernel. I made it clean and now it is
> working on the nforce3 ultra as well.  Seems the source is tagged
> 6.1-STABLE now.
> Polling is on and working on both also.
> thank's
> João
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