dual vs single core opteron 100's

Alexander Konovalenko kono at kth.se
Fri Jan 27 00:56:54 PST 2006

 I used to run OOMMF (http://math.nist.gov/oommf/) micromagnetic simulations 
which may consume a lot of memory (for me it's 100..500Mb depending on the 
size of the magnetic system).

 I have upgraded my AMD64 Athlon 3000+ to dual core X2 4400+. Now I can run 
two oommf tasks at the same time, and performance (I measure total execution 
time of the task) is around 186% comparing with 100% when only one task is 
running. This 7% degrade in performance per task is probably due to 
concurrent data transferring CPU<->RAM. I am very satisfied with X2 but just 
wonder if dual core Opteron gives better performance? Does anybody run OOMMF 
on Opteron?

I use FreeBSD 5.4 (STABLE).

/Alexander Konovalenko

+46-8-5537-8142 (office)

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Nanostructure Physics Department, Albanova
Roslagstullsbacken 21
10691 Stockholm

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