ifconfig wi0 "10 number HEX key" arg ? (SOLVED)

Bill runfreebsd at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 28 06:12:00 UTC 2006

--- Tyler Gee <geekout at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 8/27/06, Bill <runfreebsd at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Hello Family,
> >
> > I'm on a wifi network where all the other Unix(like) and Windows
> > laptops seem to be able to pass a "ten" (10) digit number as the
> > "hex" key.
> >
> > In the "ifconfig" manpage for FreeBSD-6.1 it states, under the
> > stanza for "wepkey" that the number must be 5 or 13 chars long.
> >
> > The number that is being used for the 10 digit key is:
> >
> >         1466466946
> Try 0x1466466946

Thanks Tyler,

I actually had tried that with the "ifconfig" command and got an
error/complaint and by a stroke of luck tried "wicontrol" with the
above syntax and it took, so here is my little script that I run and it
works fine now, thanks for the timely nudge back into the right

I'm not exactly sure the "perfect" order of which to set these params
but it works as it is.  I'm open for any enhancements to the script :)


echo "Flushing old routes..." ; echo
/sbin/route flush

echo "Bringing down old interface..." ; echo
/sbin/ifconfig wi0 down

echo "Setting up SSID for AP..." ; echo
ifconfig wi0 ssid wheatgrass 

echo "Turning on wepmode..." ; echo
ifconfig wi0 wepmode on 

echo "Setting up static ip of" ; echo
ifconfig wi0 broadcast netmask 

echo "Brining up interface wi0..." ; echo
ifconfig wi0 up

echo "Setting up wepkey..." ; echo
wicontrol wi0 wepkey 0x1466466946

echo "Setting up route to access point of " ; echo
route add default

echo "Let's ping the GW at three times..." ; echo
ping -c3


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