suggestions for SATA RAID cards

Dan Langille dan at
Sun Aug 27 14:19:07 UTC 2006

On 26 Aug 2006 at 23:09, Francisco Reyes wrote:

> Dan Langille writes:
> > I have never heard of it before.  Looking at their website, are you 
> > referring to "3DM2 Management Utility"?
> Yes.
> /usr/ports/sysutils/3dm
> It listens on port 888
> When it first comes up it allows connections from any interface, but you can 
> change it to only allow connections from 127
> But make sure you change the passwords right away if you enable it.

Ahh, I have used this software before.... on my Windows workstation, 
which has a 3Ware card.

One issue with installation: the port says to try but only http worked for me.

But yeah, wow, that is really neat.  I'll have to get some screen 
shots and put them on the website.


Dan Langille : Software Developer looking for work
my resume:

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