90nm core opterons scrapped?

Lars Tunkrans lars.tunkrans at bredband.net
Thu Sep 22 14:23:13 PDT 2005

Well they are listed  as an existing item . 

punch in  244  in the  model number dialouge  at:


However they do seem to be a tad old today  as the  254 model  is
a whole Gigahertz  faster 
Why do you need them ?


Ken Gunderson wrote:

>Hello All:
>I just had a supplier inform me per AMD that 90nm core Opteron 244's
>"got scrapped and will not be producing them for the time being" and
>that only units inproduction are 130nm CG stepping. Yet I do seem to
>recall Opterons w/ E4 stepping being referenced here. Can anyone shed
>some light on this for me?

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