Which SCHED_ for DB server

Norberto Meijome freebsd at meijome.net
Tue Sep 6 06:47:43 PDT 2005

Kris Kennaway wrote:

>>An, by the way, what are the benefits of ULE at this moment? Is it still 
>>a more experimental scheduler for the far future on SMP based machines 
>>or do we have benefits in UP/SMP?
> It was supposed to provide higher performance (and did for a while,
> modulo panics), but at the moment it still needs work.
> Kris

Thanks everyone for the comments. BTW, this is only a minimal SMP system 
(2 way Opteron), so not sure whether it'd make much difference anyway. 
using 4BSD for now until I have some real-world apps running in order to 

btw, any chance of other schedulers being added to fbsd, like the 
staircase sched found in linux , or maybe others? (not offering as I 
can't code @ that level, just curious)

thanks again,

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