Which SCHED_ for DB server

Norberto Meijome freebsd at meijome.net
Fri Sep 2 00:32:55 GMT 2005

Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> # freebsd at meijome.net / 2005-09-01 18:17:10 +1000:
>>Holger Kipp wrote:
>>>>4 x SATA 150 drives, 90% of it RAID5 with gvinum.
>>>I do not know your applications, but if writing to disk is an issue:
>>>- WAL-files should be written to physically separated disks.
>>sorry, what do you mean by WAL-files
>     Looks like you might greatly benefit from getting acquainted with
>     PostgreSQL first; you won't be able to tune anything if you don't
>     know how the software works.

touche. I've been reading from the documentation from their site and I 
haven't seen anything on the WAL files...google helped a lot ;) I think 
i'll go with 2 separate raid 1 instances given this information (and 
cross the bridge of more storage needed when I get to it).


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