[Fwd: Re: Make install{world,kernel} borked??]

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at withagen.nl
Sat Mar 12 09:40:13 PST 2005

Doug White wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Mar 2005, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
>>So the question are:
>>- What shell is being used during makeworld??
> /bin/sh until it builds it own copy and runs it out of /usr/obj.

That's what I assumed.

>>- And why is mine acting up.

> /bin/sh isn't a symlink to a different shell, is it?  You haven't done
> something stupid like replace it with bash? :)

>>- why does it not crash in the exact same piece of code a few lines earlier?

Well I commented out that blocking piece of code. So make installworld 
installed anyways and this mornings cvsup/buildworld installs without a hitch. 
Even with the problem code active. So it must have been a cosmic glitch 
somewhere around here.

> Do I look psychic to you? :)

Why ask me, you already know the answer I'm going to give. :=)


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