Word Processor on AMD64

Damian Gerow dgerow at afflictions.org
Sun Feb 27 21:00:03 GMT 2005

Thus spake Steve Kargl (sgk at troutmask.apl.washington.edu) [27/02/05 15:57]:
: You don't swap over to 32-bit.  You can run 32-bit FreeBSD
: or linux binaries on the 64-bit FreeBSD (as known as FreeBSd-amd64).
: Add the following to your kernel config and rebuild.
: options 	COMPAT_IA32		#Compatible with i386 binaries
: options 	COMPAT_LINUX32  #Compatible with i386 linux binaries
: Add "WITH_LIB32=yes" to /etc/make.conf and rebuild world.

Really?  Huh.  I was under the impression it didn't work so well...  You
learn something new every day!


  - Damian

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