How to get support (was: Tyan alternatives cuz their support totally sucks)

David O'Brien obrien at
Mon Dec 5 09:50:47 PST 2005

On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 02:16:32PM -0700, Ken Gunderson wrote:
> Thankfully I was.  But it still boiled down to terrible support on
> Tyan's end until we got sales management involved.
> Now that these problems have been brought to the attention of a couple 
> sales managers hopefully they will be channeled up the appropriate
> ladders

It has been my experience in the computer HW arena that with margins as
razor thin as they are - tying something you need done to actual sales
is the only guaranteed way to get what you want.  It isn't just a Tyan
thing. :-(

-- David  (obrien at
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A: Why is top-posting (putting a reply at the top of the message) frowned upon?

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