mounting msdos partitions buggy?

Adriaan de Groot adridg at
Fri Jan 30 06:16:07 PST 2004

On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, Greg J. wrote:
> For the people on the amd64 mailing list.. has anyone ran into where
> copying/moving/creating files to/on a MSDOS partition results in the
> filename being renamed to where the last character of the filename is
> added twice?

Yes, I see that all the time on my USB pendrive (FAT12, I guess) and USB
SD-card reader. I can read files normally, but FBSD creates them with the
last file character doubled. I hadn't bothered to report it yet.

 Adriaan de Groot    adridg at     Kamer A6020     024-3652272
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