5.3R cvsup failure, libm.so.2. COMPAT files missing?

dev tree wayside at rc.tex-an.net
Sun Dec 19 15:03:05 PST 2004

On Sun, 19 Dec 2004, David O'Brien wrote:

>>>>>>> Running /usr/local/bin/cvsup
>>>>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>  /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libm.so.2" not found, required by
>>>>  "cvsup"
>>>>  *** Error code 1
>>> This should be impossible.
>>>   RCS file: /home/ncvs/ports/net/cvsup/Makefile,v
>>>       RELEASE_5_3_0: 1.57
>>>       ----------------------------
>>>       revision 1.57
>>>       date: 2004/10/11 22:10:58;  author: obrien;  state: Exp;  lines:
>>>       +1 -0
>>>       Catching up with lib bumping, consume libm.so.3 on AMD64.
>>>       ----------------------------
>>> How did you install CVSup and what is the MD5 checksum of your distfile
>>> 'cvsup-without-gui.amd64.tar.bz2'?
>>> hammer$ ldd /usr/local/bin/cvsup  | grep libm
>>>       libm.so.3 => /lib/libm.so.3 (0x8007f2000)

>> I used cvsup16.1h, and I think I took it off the Nov 05 5.3-R disc1 CD
>> immediately after the system install.  I had done it from the CD
>> on another system, then removed that and tryed again from
>> /stand/systinstall, prior to building inoxidable from scratch
>> on Dec 14 to test it with a fresh installation.  The package
>> seems to have been from October 08.  Here's whats in /var/db/pkg:

> I can't follow this.  On the system in which you have an AMD64 cvsup
> using libm.so.2; how did you install CVSup?

I'm pretty sure I added it from the packages on the Nov 05 5.3R disc1 CD
at the end of installing the system.  I know it was the only package
I installed, because I built that system specifically to test the
problem I was having with cvsup.

Here's the md5 from the disc1 CD:

   MD5 (cvsup-16.1h.tbz) = 59d01df0458d4849876426499e84282a

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