[results, follow-up] Re: 5.3R cvsup failure, libm.so.2. COMPAT files missing?

Steve Kargl sgk at troutmask.apl.washington.edu
Thu Dec 16 10:17:26 PST 2004

On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 03:18:22AM -0600, dev tree wrote:
> I asked about how to get cvsup working on 5.3-R AMD64.
> Mucho thanks for the quick responses, guys.  Additional
> comments/questions below.
> >> Steve Kargl wrote:
> >>>vi /etc/libmap.conf
> >>>libm.so.2  libm.so.3
> [my comments for this post]
> Adding the lib-mapping worked just fine.  The update with
> cvsup was no problem after that.  (and it all built fine, too, see?)
>   # uname -a
>   FreeBSD inoxidable.tex-an.net 5.3-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p2 #0:
>   (this was on a tyan 2882 w/4GB and 2 Opteron 244 procs)
> Chris Howells responded:
> >>However that is a really bad idea in the long term so it should be 
> >>removed after you have cvsup'd the sources and rebuilt cvsup so that it 
> >>uses libm.so.3 instead.
> [my comments for this post]
> It's always a good idea to remind people to keep track of detrius.
> but:
> Steve responded back:
> >Have you looked at net/cvsup/Makefile.
> [...]
> >NO_BUILD=       binary-only
> >Note the original post specifically mentions AMD64.
> [my comments/questions for this post]
> So, I don't have the source to rebuild it with libm.so.3.

You can get the source for cvsup and modulo3.  The problems
I believe are the building of modulo3.  I haven't looked at
the problem in detail.

> I'll have to remember about getting rid of the libmap.conf
> entry at some point.  Or,  do I really?

cvsup is probably the only thing that consumes libm.so.2,
where I'm assuming you're building and installing your
set of ports.

> Is there anything
> that would be screwed up if it was expecting libm.so.2
> and it got redirected to libm.so.3 instead?  Is there full
> backward compatibility?

If full backwards compatibility existed, then there would 
have been no reason for the library version change.

> Or would I even care, since nothing
> else is likely to be asking for libm.so.2 on AMD64, anyway?


> And lastly, a follow on question.  If I want to move up to
> -current, do a want RELENG6, HEAD, or what?  People seem
> to be refering to it as HEAD, but I don't know if that is
> what is used for the tag in the cvsup supfile.

Set tag=. in your supfile for -current.


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