SMP issues on K8S Pro S2882G3NR

Andrew Houghton aah at
Tue Apr 20 10:50:47 PDT 2004

Haapanen, Tom wrote:

>Andrew Houghton wrote:
>>I should rephrase that.. the system appears to see both CPUs, but only 
>>appears to start one.  I'm basing this entirely off the dmesg output and 
>>the fact that ps doesn't show any processes on CPU 1.
>I didn't think that ps showed the processor at all -- at least it does not
>on my 5.2-RELEASE box.
>What does top show?  It definitely has a CPU (well, "C") column?
According to the man page, the '-l' flag to ps shows the CPU info; with 
'-laux' it shows as distinct from CPU%, so I assumed all the 0s meant 
something.  But you're right -- top shows processes on both CPUs.  Sorry 
about the false alarm (and thanks for asking me to check top).

- a.

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