ruby-1.8.1.p2 broken on amd64

Akinori MUSHA knu at
Mon Nov 24 04:46:38 PST 2003

At Mon, 24 Nov 2003 03:47:50 -0800,
o`brien wrote:
> The bug is in Mk/  It is bogusly clearing CONFIGURE_TARGET.
> At least for passing the --target GNU tuple to GNU autoconf.  GNU
> software has always used a 3-TUPPLE: cpu, vender, OS.  While <cpu>-<os>
> might be the proper tuple for Ruby itself, it isn't for GNU autoconf.
> Modern versions of GNU autoconf are a lot more strict about demanding a
> 3-tuple vs. 2-tuple than older versions.
> Setting RUBY_ARCH?=${ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL:C/\..*//}${RUBY_R} gets
> GNU autoconf to configure properly. The "-pc-" in "x86_64-pc-freebsd5" is
> a big warning GNU configure isn't being run correctly.

Thanks for the hint.  I remembered why I cleared CONFIGURE_TARGET and
just fixed the problem.

                    /__  __   /
                   / )  )  ) )  / /
Akinori MUSHA aka / (_ /  ( (__(  @ /

"It seems to me as we make our own few circles 'round the sun
          We get it backwards and our seven years go by like one"

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