alpha/127248: System crashes when many (7) serial port terminals (vt320-vt510) connected to the server via com to usb adapter and 2-usb hubs.

gavin at gavin at
Wed Sep 10 16:24:19 UTC 2008

Synopsis: System crashes when many (7) serial port terminals (vt320-vt510) connected to the server via com to usb adapter and 2-usb hubs.

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: gavin
State-Changed-When: Wed Sep 10 16:17:30 UTC 2008
To submitter:  Are you able to compile the debugger into the kernel
and obtain a backtrace next time it panics?

Add the following to your kernel config file:
options KDB
options DDB
options GDB

Then when the machine crashes next, enter "bt" at the prompt?
(Disclaimer: I've never used FreeBSD/alpha before, but this should work)

By the way, my gut instinct is that this panic is caused by the fact the
serial dongles seem to be disconnecting/reconnecting, and not specifically
because the machine is an Alpha.  However, why they are disconnecting in
the first place, I don't know.

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