No X server on Alpha?

Dieter freebsd at
Fri Feb 1 09:54:20 PST 2008

> Unfortunately, my Alpha has some hardware issue and will no longer boot. 
> It started while trying to run Firefox (I suspect X doesn't respect the 
> DMA bug in the pass 1 Pyxis). This crashed the machine a couple times, 
> and I kept retrying it, and now it won't do anything. Without X, it was 
> rock-solid, and Firefox worked fine over X forwarding. Other X programs 
> that didn't use large pixmaps worked fine too. Once I get the machine 
> back up, I'll send in a patch.
> Incidentally, if anyone has any experience debugging Alphas, I'd 
> appreciate help. It's an AlphaPC 164SX and is stopping at POST code 
> 0x14, which the manual informs me indicates "Memory errors cleared; 
> start reading system ROM".

Have you made any hardware changes recently?  added/removed card, ...

You might need to reinstall the SRM firmware, if it will get far enough
to do that.

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