alpha/61940: [sysinstall] Can't disklabel new disk

Anton Shterenlikht mexas at
Tue Jul 24 21:16:07 UTC 2007

	I suggest closing this PR. This topic has been discussed many
times before and solution is very clear.

	Instead I suggest adding some information on this under section
4.2 "Common Installation Problems for Alpha/AXP Architecture Users" of
"FreeBSD/alpha 6.2-RELEASE Installation Instructions"

	I volunteer to write a few paragraphs on this along the following



TITLE: Disklabel Editor cannot see disk

1. Problem description.

In some cases the FreeBSD installer (partitioning program, FDisk or
Disklabel Editor) will not properly recognise the disk.
In such situations one has to create a BSD label, typically by using Fixit
(live) CD. Furthermore successful bsdlabel(8) operation might requre
zeroing the first block on the disk with dd(1).

The following is based on my experience of installing
FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0: Sat Jan 13 02:32:39 UTC 2007
on AlphaServer DS10L 466 MHz Console V7.3-1, Feb 27 2007 13:17:58

This server was previously running OpenVMS installed on Quantum Atlas 10k 18GB
disk. Below is the output from the SRM SHOW DEVICE command showing
the disk as dka0.

dka0.              DKA0       QUANTUM ATLAS10K3_18_WLS  020K
dqb0.              DQB0                        CD-224E  9.5B    
dva0.               DVA0                               
ewa0.               EWA0              08-00-2B-87-42-31
ewb0.              EWB0              08-00-2B-87-42-4E
pka0.              PKA0                  SCSI Bus ID 7

This SCSI disk is connected to the standard  NCR 53C895 controller
(see the output of the initialisation below, line with 'pka') ,
supported by ncr(4) and a newer sym(4) drivers:

I recorded and used only one CD from

6.2-RELEASE-alpha-disc1.iso	 	533248 KB 	13/01/2007 	00:00:00

I put this CD in the drive and boot from it:

>>>boot dqb0


da0 at sym0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <QUANTUM ATLAS10K3_18_WLS 020K> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device 
da0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 31, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
da0: 17537MB (35916548 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 2235C)


Note that so far the disk is recognised correctly - lines containing da0
in the devices list.

Now proceeding further with Standard Installation I finally get to
the Disklabel Editor which shows no disks: 

******************************** START SCREEN ********************************

                         FreeBSD Disklabel Editor

Part      Mount          Size Newfs   Part      Mount          Size Newfs
----      -----          ---- -----   ----      -----          ---- -----

The following commands are valid here (upper or lower case):
C = Create        D = Delete   M = Mount pt.
N = Newfs Opts    Q = Finish   S = Toggle SoftUpdates   Z = Custom Newfs
T = Toggle Newfs  U = Undo     A = Auto Defaults        R = Delete+Merge

Use F1 or ? to get more help, arrow keys to select.

********************************* END SCREEN *********************************

Hitting C gives the following message at the bottom of the screen:

	You can only do this in a master partition (see top of screen)

and hitting A gives this:

	You can only do this in a disk slice (at top of screen)

If (in desperation) I hit other keys, like e.g. Z, or R, I get:

        +--------------------------- Message ---------------------------+
        |A signal 11 was caught - I'm saving what I can and shutting    |
        |down.  If you can reproduce the problem, please turn Debug on  |
        |in the Options menu for the extra information it provides      |
        |in debugging problems like this.                               |
        |                         [  OK  ]                              |
        +-------------------[ Press enter or space ]--------------------

and hitting enter or space halts the machine:

Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop...done
Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...done
Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...
Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...2 0 done
All buffers synced.
Uptime: 8m1s

halted CPU 0

halt code = 5
HALT instruction executed
PC = fffffc00007f9a60
Resetting I/O buses...

2. Solution

It is necessary to create BSD label on disk. The easiest way to achieve
this is with 'live' filesystem CD, which it this case is the same
installation CD.

First one has to choose 'Fixit' option in the sysinstall Main Manu:

******************************** START SCREEN ********************************

   +---------- FreeBSD/alpha 6.2-RELEASE - sysinstall Main Menu -----------+
   | Welcome to the FreeBSD installation and configuration tool.  Please   |  
   | select one of the options below by using the arrow keys or typing the |  
   | first character of the option name you're interested in.  Invoke an   |  
   | option with [SPACE] or [ENTER].  To exit, use [TAB] to move to Exit.  |  
   | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  
   | |   Usage        Quick start - How to use this menu system          | |  
   | |   Standard     Begin a standard installation (recommended)        | |  
   | |   Express      Begin a quick installation (for experts)           | |  
   | |   Custom       Begin a custom installation (for experts)          | |  
   | |   Configure    Do post-install configuration of FreeBSD           | |  
   | |   Doc          Installation instructions, README, etc.            | |  
   | |   Keymap       Select keyboard type                               | |  
   | |   Options      View/Set various installation options              | |  
   | |   Fixit        Repair mode with CDROM/DVD/floppy or start shell   | |  
   | |   Upgrade      Upgrade an existing system                         | |  
   | |   Load Config  Load default install configuration                 | |  
   | |   Index        Glossary of functions                              | |  
   | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  
   |                        [ Select ]    X Exit Install                   |  
   +------------------[ Press F1 for Installation Guide ]------------------+  

********************************* END SCREEN *********************************

the following screen appears:

******************************** START SCREEN ********************************

  +---------------------- Please choose a fixit option ----------------------+
  | There are three ways of going into "fixit" mode:                         |  
  | - you can use the live filesystem CDROM/DVD, in which case there will be |  
  |   full access to the complete set of FreeBSD commands and utilities,     |  
  | - you can use the more limited (but perhaps customized) fixit floppy,    |  
  | - or you can start an Emergency Holographic Shell now, which is          |  
  |   limited to the subset of commands that is already available right now. |  
  | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  
  | |       X Exit       Exit this menu (returning to previous)            | |  
  | |       2 CDROM/DVD  Use the "live" filesystem CDROM/DVD               | |  
  | |       3 Floppy     Use a floppy generated from the fixit image       | |  
  | |       4 Shell      Start an Emergency Holographic Shell              | |  
  | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  
  |                          [  OK  ]       Cancel                           |  
  +------------[ Press F1 for more detailed repair instructions ]------------+  

********************************* END SCREEN *********************************
choose 2 and you get to the shell:

******************************** START SCREEN ********************************

DEBUG: fixit: I can't set the controlling terminal.
Waiting for fixit shell to exit.
When you are done, type ``exit'' to exit
the fixit shell and be returned here.

sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
| You are now running from FreeBSD "fixit" media.               |
| ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| When you're finished with this shell, please type exit.       |
| The fixit media is mounted as /mnt2.                          |
|                                                               |
| You might want to symlink /mnt/etc/*pwd.db and /mnt/etc/group |
| to /etc after mounting a root filesystem from your disk.      |
| tar(1) will not restore all permissions correctly otherwise!  |
|                                                               |
| Note: you can use the arrow keys to browse through the        |
| command history of this shell.                                |

Good Luck!


********************************* END SCREEN *********************************

now do the following:

Fixit# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=512 count=32
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes transferred in 0.445921 secs (36742 bytes/sec)
Fixit# bsdlabel -w da0

which is actually copied from the examples in the bsdlabel(8) man pages.

(In some cases you can run bsdlabel straight away. If that gives 
you errors - run 'dd' first.)

That's it, exit the shell:

Fixit# exit

Now, for some reason, BSD label will not be recognised unil you
restart sysinstall:

           +------------- User Confirmation Requested -------------+
           | Are you sure you wish to exit? The system will halt.  |  
           |                 [ Yes ]         No                    |  

As before:

>>> boot dqb0

and now finally you get to see the disk in Disklabel Editor:
******************************** START SCREEN ********************************

                         FreeBSD Disklabel Editor

Disk: da0       Partition name: da0     Free: 16 blocks (0MB)

Part      Mount          Size Newfs   Part      Mount          Size Newfs
----      -----          ---- -----   ----      -----          ---- -----
da0a      <none>      17537MB *

The following commands are valid here (upper or lower case):
C = Create        D = Delete   M = Mount pt.
N = Newfs Opts    Q = Finish   S = Toggle SoftUpdates   Z = Custom Newfs
T = Toggle Newfs  U = Undo     A = Auto Defaults        R = Delete+Merge

Use F1 or ? to get more help, arrow keys to select.

********************************* END SCREEN *********************************

Delete the partition created by bsdlabel(8). After this proceed as
in the Installation Manual.

good luck!
Anton Shterenlikht
Room 2.6, Queen's Building
Mech Eng Dept
Bristol University
University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
Tel: +44 (0)117 928 8233 
Fax: +44 (0)117 929 4423

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