Cross-Building Alpha on i386

Wilko Bulte wb at
Mon Jul 16 15:18:09 UTC 2007

On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 10:31:20AM -0400, Thomas Laus wrote..
> Group:
> Since RELENG_4 is has lost support, I wanted to install something from the 
> RELENG_6 tree.  I installed the latest .iso (RELENG_6_2) that was on the 
> mirrors, but the libpam libraries had problems.  The library was 
> missing on my system and even root can not login after installation.

> ============
> I changed the	`TARGET_ARCH=alpha & TARGET=alpha' in the script as well as the 
> location of enough filespace to build the system.  The result was an un-
> bootable cdrom.  Is there a script that the Release Team uses that might be a 
> little better for me to use?  Are the mkisofs switches correct for the Alpha 
> architecture?  Since my AlphaStation is a lot slower than my PC's in the i386 

Did you run setcdboot on the ISO before burning it on CD?  If you don't
it won't be bootable. 

Can't comment on how well X-building works in x86, I always built natively
on Alpha.

> family, I would prefer to update by cross-compiling binaries instead of 
> building on my Alpha.

Wilko Bulte				wilko at

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