MiataGL doesn't boot in 5.4-RC2

Victor Balada Diaz victor at bsdes.net
Thu Apr 14 17:23:37 PDT 2005

On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 08:22:17PM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> But I noticed something else in the system of the original poster:
> a TGA2 display card.  Any chance you can give it a try without that one
> please?  There has been some fun with the various TGA display adapters in
> the past.

I tried without the TGA card and it hangs in the same place. I can provide
shell if needed.

La prueba mas fehaciente de que existe vida inteligente en otros
planetas, es que no han intentado contactar con nosotros. 

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