ccc compiler

Nikos Ntarmos ntarmos at
Wed Mar 3 22:37:19 PST 2004

Hi there.

On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 01:38:03AM -0700, RJ45 wrote:
> ccc -tune ev67 -O4 -fast -ifo -o gregory gregory.c -lcompat -lm
> the program compiles then:
> %./gregory 
> ELF interpreter /usr/lib/ not found
> Abort

Same thing here with RELENG_5_2 (for the last month or so). You can
still compile -static and the binary will run ok. Seems to me like
it's a problem with dynamically linked libs...
> instead if I simply use:
> ccc -o gregory gregory.c -lcompat -lm
> I got this error:
> /usr/lib/libcpml.a(exception.o): In function `__dpml_exception':
> exception.o(.text+0xc4): undefined reference to `__ieee_get_fp_control'
> exception.o(.text+0xdc): undefined reference to `__ieee_get_fp_control'
> exception.o(.text+0xdc): undefined reference to `__ieee_get_fp_control'
> exception.o(.text+0x4e0): undefined reference to `__errno_location'
> exception.o(.text+0x4fc): undefined reference to `__errno_location'
> exception.o(.text+0x4fc): undefined reference to `__errno_location'

Ummm... nope. I get the exact same ELF-interpreter-blah error with
these flags too. I don't understand it though. If it were a problem
with dynamic libraries, then ccc -- a dynamic binary itself --
wouldn't run either (right?).  FWIW, a quick scan through the port's
makefile gave out the following: "the shared libs gives us trouble
right now, so only offer .a's", followed by an rm of and If ccc links dynamic binaries against these libraries,
then it could make some sense. However, I have little or no idea of
the internals of ccc (or gcc), so I'm not the one to listen to on


 Nikos "Noth" Ntarmos    | < ntarmos at ceid dot upatras dot gr >
 NetCINS Lab. @ C.E.I.D. | [ http://{noth,p2p} ]
 U. of Patras - Greece   | ( 38.2594N, 21.7428E ) ( 1024D / CF95160A )

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