Same problem, new year 2100A machine check

Andrew Gallatin gallatin at
Tue Jan 27 16:51:31 PST 2004

Tom Ponsford writes:
 > It DOES NOT boot:
 > FreeBSD 4.xx MP kernel -machine check as it probes PCI/EISA bus

Interesting.  FreeBSD 4 never supported MP on alpha.

 > FreeBSD 5.0, 5.2 uniprocessor kernel or MP kernel--machine check as it probes 

Here are some things to do/try.

1) Build a kernel with ddb and get a stack trace.
When the machine crashes and you land at the "db>" prompt, type 'tr'

This might not be incredibly helpful because machine checks
are not synchronous, but it may narrow things down a little bit.

2) Disable all but CPU0 from the SRM console.  There's a bitmask
you can set from SRM (I don't remember off the top of my head what it
is, but its probably set to 0xfff now).


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