xfree86 on alpha w/ matrox

Holm Tiffe holm at freibergnet.de
Fri Feb 27 06:18:34 PST 2004

Nikos Ntarmos wrote:

> Hi there.
> http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/mid.cgi?20031204152553.GA10425 has a
> "patch" against xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/xf86pciBus.c
> that addresses this issue for the 4.3.0 port. Alternatively you can
> install 4.3.99+ where this fix has already been incorporated.
> \n\n

This is'nt really a patch, this is the next revision of the file from 
the XFree86 source repossitory...


L&P::Kommunikation GbR          Holm Tiffe  * Administration, Development
FreibergNet.de Internet Systems                      phone +49 3731 41930
Bereich Server & Technik                             fax +49 3731 4196026 
D-09599 Freiberg * Nonnengasse 31a              http://www.freibergnet.de

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