CoC does not help in benchmarks

Julian H. Stacey jhs at
Sun Jul 15 18:22:08 UTC 2018

Erich Dollansky wrote:
> Hi,
> here are the consequences of putting a CoC up high on the priority list:

FreeBSD performance is really bad on some comparisons there.

> Focusing on software would have made FreeBSD do better.

Yes, The new COC imposition distracted from coding:
  The COC hi-jack replacement promoted by FreeBSD Foundation, was
  contentious, incompetently phrased in places, imposed without
  prior debate, enforced by a few commiters, wasted peoples time &
  caused annoyance.  Aside from the content, the process also
  deserves reprimand. There were complaints to core at .  Core secretary
  wrote me that review was in progress.  Nothing long since.

The hijacked COC needs at least core@ review.
Discussion before would have been better.

I'd at least suggest append:
  "No one may edit this COC, without prior consent of core@"

As the promoting commiters abused due process, stifled debate, &
their hijacked COC foists their own "Code of Conduct Committee" &
taht will deny most appeals, a sceptical eye seems appropriate ;-)

"This Code of Conduct is based on the example policy from the Geek Feminism wiki."*/

Julian Stacey, Computer Consultant, Systems Engineer, BSD Linux Unix, Munich
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