The Website

Dan Langille dan at
Tue Mar 30 10:52:41 PST 2004

On 30 Mar 2004 at 12:02, John Von Essen wrote:

> I believe I was the one that requested a core sanction. The reason is I
> remember when this thread came up before... It's difficult to go out and
> start doing something and dedicate alot of time when you are not
> absolutely sure that it will be accepted.
> A core sanction would also help in other areas... What is the decided
> platform? Perl, PHP, MySQL, Postgresql.
> What happens if I go out and do it in mod_perl and mysql, and then a core
> member says, "It should be done in php like site xyz".

I think you are jumping the gun.  You don't go away and come back 
with a completed solution.  Propose something.  And do not prospose 
using technology.  Propose with mockup and features.

Here's what it'll look like. Here is how things are updated.  Here is 
how translations work.
Dan Langille :
BSDCan -

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