The Website

Dan Langille dan at
Tue Mar 30 08:49:48 PST 2004

On 30 Mar 2004 at 18:43, Michal Pasternak wrote:

> Kevin Golding [Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 05:35:26PM +0100]:
> > Actually that logic extends to a problem which seems to hit *BSD in
> > general - is the only site which doesn't have "project"
> > emblazoned across the top of my browser.
> Hmm, so that's it? Remove "project" from <title> and <h?> and we're all
> saved? Brillant!
> Seriously, gentlemen, as 10 other people already pointed out, count me as
> 11th. Such discussions here repeat from time to time, and except the
> discussions itself I don't remember if I ever seen someone with a *clue*
> (eg. new site project + development roadmap).

Following upon the above:

It was mentioned in a previous post: someone wanted official sanction 
by core (or something to that effect).  My response to that: don't 
wait for it.  Just do it.

FreshPorts, FreeBSD Diary, and BSDCan[1] would not exist if official 
sanction were needed.  If *you* think it's a good idea, do it, 
regardless of what other thinks.

There are far more people willing to give advice than are willing to 
do the work.  Just do it.

[1] - OK, so BSDCan is yet to happen, but it will happen.

Dan Langille :
BSDCan -

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