FreeBSD Support in SVISTA

Bob St.John BStJohn at
Fri Aug 27 11:22:52 PDT 2004

Hello, Nik. Thanks for your inquiry.  We evaluated support for
4.x and 5.x as we began the beta.  Based on the requirements of
the people we were working with, the decision was made to focus
on production systems using 4.x

Of course we are interested in supporting 5.x in as reasonable a
time frame as possible. But right now we have a lot of work to
do on the current family of products in beta.  We would be
greatful if folks could hold off on the 5.x issues for the time
being, though I'm sure someone will hack away at it and see how
far they can get.

I was looking for a simple way to communicate this information
to the FreeBSD community, because I have answered this several
times, including on our forum

I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.


Bob St.John
Dir, New Business Development
Serenity Systems International
a Managed Systems company

214 222-3414 (outside USA)
888 299-6483 (USA only)

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