FreeBSD Revamped Look 'n' feel: Feedback appreciated!

Mikel King mikel.king at
Mon Sep 15 07:30:09 PDT 2003

I think some one may have already mentioned this but what about hosting 
the glitzy version under Host this eye-candy ritch version 
under that name? I have observed quite a number of open source projects 
heading down that route, and honestly your design is by far one of the 

One thing everyone should keep in mind is the current site is accessible 
from just about any browser, even Lynx. More over it is intelligable in 
the Lynx which is a blessing when you don't have the luxary of a gui on 
your comm console...

One last note, yes this new snazzy site would envite some more of the 
technically challenged over to this side of the fence and they are the 
one likely to clog our mailing lists with the questions that deserv a 
hearty RTFM response, but these are the same people that are currently 
paying $800 for rh advanced which comes with a year of support.

So in light of all this maybe a .com is a good thing...

Nigel Weeks wrote:

>>I like this, but I'm wondering if the layout uses some kind of
>>database?  Or are they just regular files?
>>Tom Rhodes
>It the moment, it's regular files, but that'd be a pain to administer.
>I was planning to building a structure where directories contain a symlink
>back to a central application file(php, etc), so that from a
>broswer/mirroring system, etc., it appears as standard files, but it's
>generated from a database.
>Sure, big traffic may result in huge database loads, so the database server
>may actually be private, and it's wget'ed to the public site every 5 minutes
>or so.
>I dunno. I've had very little interest in this.
>I'm very tired of convincing people that FreeBSD is a professional,
>enterprise-grade OS, when they go to the site, and say it looks
>like a college project.
>If only a site existed that (I hate to say it, it seems so shallow), looked
>more like, and less like a quick hack-together.
>I know the FreeBSD site is great! It's quick, it's links are set out nicely,
>but it isn't attractive to the big-end of town.
>This is a very big failing. It needs to be addressed.
>I'm just trying to help by coming up with ideas, instead of shooting down
>others,and complaining all the time.
>The sooner FreeBSD takes on a professional image, the sooner it'll get
>accepted and treated as a professional solution.
>Yes, it's wrong, but it's how life is.
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Mikel King
Optimized Computer Solutions, INC
39 West Fourteenth Street
Second Floor
New York, NY 10011

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