
Nicole nicole at
Sun Sep 14 23:14:03 PDT 2003

 You pissed people off by thinking and expressing. You actually did something
when someone said - you don't like it - change it... But change frightens
people.. And you took a stand.
 Much of FreeBSD has changed since I first started using it.. and to me
not all in a good way.. That's the way it goes. Not everyone thinks the same
way. (Darnit)

 I believe, that freebsd having the unified front is both a positive and a
negitive. Linux is divided, but, that enables people to choose which they feel
more at home with. Glossy or Matte.. Techie or Friendly. 

 Personally I would love to see FreeBSD divide into Server/Workstation versions
which would also then, create the techie/friendly different fronts along with
it. Such as your aim is to provide.

 Hopefully it will at least be a "Madonna Move" and get people talking and
thinking more about it! :)


On 15-Sep-03 My Homeland Security Spies reported that Nigel Weeks said:
> Big apologies to Mike H, and any others I've managed to tick off.
> I did not intend to troll. I did not intend to offend.
> I'm trying to convey the difficulties convincing business to adopt FreeBSD.
> I'm not saying the current site is bad - it's great. But decisions makers in
> management run on impressions first, then technical merit(or so I've
> experienced)
> We have the Technical Merit. Now we need the impression.
> Here's my final attempt. It's the main FreeBSD site(parts, anyway).
> For those that commented, it uses 98% screen width for content, and the
> black on grey has gone.
> Again, my apologies if I've been a prick.
> N.
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"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams."
     --Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

"Witchcraft is in essence the worship of the powers of this world,
 beautiful and terrible, but all in a circle under the turning sky
 that is the One."     -C.A. Burland, "Echoes of Magic"

"Connecting with energy is something humans have to be open
 to and talking about and expecting,  otherwise the whole human
 race can go back to pretending that life is about power over others
 and exploiting the planet.  If we go back to doing this,
 then we won't survive."      -James Redfield, "The Celestine Prophecy"

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