FreeBSD Revamped Look 'n' feel: Feedback appreciated!

Nigel Weeks nigel at
Sun Sep 14 22:41:35 PDT 2003

... People that judge
> FreeBSD by
> it's website, well, they can go back to their flash and glam
> Microsoft
> or RedHat sites. As far as I can tell, those people are going
> to be the
> ones that ask questions on the questions@ mailing lists
> without looking
> at the documentation first. That's about the level of stupidity and
> laziness involved.

Unfortunately, mentioning this is counter-productive when said in possible
future client meetings...;-)

Oh yeah, it's true. Too true.
But what can you do? We need these people to survive...

Perhaps...keep as it is, but build as the
commercial/upper-management-tailored/abstracted from technical/whizz-bang

I dunno. I just know it'd be easier to sell, if people were impressed from
first glance. Seems shallow, yes, but might work?, maybe.

Has anyone got better sales-tips, not tuned for sysadmins?

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