Swag... new choices?

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Fri Oct 3 07:46:45 PDT 2003

On 3 Oct 2003 at 15:32, Paul Robinson wrote:

> When
> was the last time you saw Beastie in 2D in any position other than
> standing facing to our left?

I'm shocked that you've not noticed the right facing Beastie that 
appears as a favicon at several websites.  ;)


> The real problem though is free use of the logo/mascot. To really open
> up the market like OpenBSD has, you kind of have to consider... dare I
> say it?... changing the mascot. If you want to produce lots of mass
> produced stuff with loads of artwork and sell them, you can't use
> beastie unless you've cleared every item with McKusick:
> http://www.mckusick.com/beastie/mainpage/copyright.html
> That's fine, and I understand his reasoning. It just works against what
> you're suggesting unfortunately.

My experience with obtaining permission has been positive.
Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/

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