ACPI support - Freebsd 10 on Sony Vaio VPCCA3C5E

Anthony Jenkins Anthony.B.Jenkins at
Tue Jul 15 19:40:58 UTC 2014

On 07/15/2014 13:49, Daniele Mazzotti wrote:
> Hello Anthony,
> I just noticed that I forgot to answer the part where you proposed me to
> "patch" my ACPI. Unfortunately I am running and AMD 64 architecture and I
> do not think this is fitting with what you already patched.
x86-based architectures use my patch, including amd64.  It patches the sys/x86/isa/atrtc.c driver.  I'll attach it... might fix some stuff.  I've been running it on my laptop for several weeks and posted it to this newsgroup some time ago, so it should be safe at least.

    # cd /usr/src && patch < path/to/atrtc.c.patch

> By the way I am not sure that what I wrote is that relevant to you, but I
> just wanted to give you the feeling that I am not just passively requiring
> help.

Not at all... I'm scared I can't really help you with your problem.  At least it helps me learn ACPI.


P.S. I alternate between top-posting and bottom-posting, depending on the audience...I know I've switched at least twice in this thread.

> Cheers,
> Daniele.
> 2014-07-14 20:21 GMT+02:00 Daniele Mazzotti <kappei84 at>:
>> Hi Anthony,
>> no problem for the "delay". I did not expect you to answer 5 seconds or 5
>> minutes after my email as I think we all have lives and jobs that keep us
>> busy quite a lot. So, no problem at all!
>> Regarding the issue we are discussing about, I think I already posted the
>> output of "acpidump -dt" here and I also
>> tried to understand a bit of the contents but I had no luck. Unfortunately
>> I am not so much into this ACPI thing, but I am very interested to know how
>> it works and fix (my.... maybe also someone's else) bug.
>> I followed your recommendation and enabled the debug in the loader.conf.
>> You can find my output here:
>> Thanks again for the precious help.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniele.

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