kern/108581: [sysctl] sysctl: hw.acpi.cpu.cx_lowest: Invalid argument

Andriy Gapon avg at
Thu Mar 26 07:33:15 PDT 2009

on 26/03/2009 16:28 Bruce Cran said the following:
> On Thu, 26 Mar 2009 16:09:10 +0200
> Andriy Gapon <avg at> wrote:
>> If you specifically mean the generic case (non-cst) as you mention in
>> the PR, then I think that you didn't notice that cpu_cx_count (the
>> global variable) gets updated in acpi_cpu_generic_cx_probe, So after
>> looping over all CPUs it has the value of the maximum Cx level
>> supported by at least one CPU. Only then we loop again and determine
>> the smallest of the supported maximums.
> Yes, I had missed that.  I think the problem however is still that in
> the generic cx case the global is re-initialized to 0 and never gets
> updated.

It would be interesting to catch where/when this happens if this is indeed the case.

Andriy Gapon

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