samsung x05 laptop: screen gets very bright before sleep

Veiko Palge veiko.palge at
Tue May 9 21:44:54 UTC 2006


I have a samsung x05 laptop (BIOS Version 11QK, latest ver) and with
FBSD 6.1 acpi works now out of box (given one sets
acpi.hw.reset_video=0).  There's one issue though: when the system
goes to sleep to S3, it turns from X to normal console, and then the
(normally black) background of the console turns very, very bright
white, with stripes seen.  Is this potentially problematic for the lcd
screen?  What might be the issue?  Does this occur possibly on other
laptops too?  Loading/ unloading acpi_video does not have any effect.

thanks, Veiko


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