cvs commit: src/sys/i386/include _types.h

Mike Silbersack silby at
Mon Mar 10 06:55:29 UTC 2008

On Fri, 7 Mar 2008, Bruce Evans wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Mar 2008, Mike Silbersack wrote:
>> As I've said in the past, I'd really, really, really like to see regression 
>> tests for any change to the floating point functions.  The types of changes 
>> you've been making are not easy to verify just by looking at diffs.
> I run local regression tests of 4 billon to 64 billion cases per
> function or 1.3 trillion cases for 125 functions a 36-hour run on a
> 2.2HGz UP system.  These are not well organized enough for commit.
> You will have to trust that they are done before commit (or after on
> some other machines) :-).  I mostly use semi-exhaustive (exhaustive
> for 1-arg float precision functions) checks on machine-generated args.
> This seems to find problems more routinely than smarter tests, up to
> at least double precision.  das@ committed some smarter tests.

So clean them up and commit them.  I'm not saying that anyone will 
actually run them, but at least they will be there if one chooses to.

> OTOH, I barely tested the changes to float_t and double_t.  These types
> are so rarely used that they are never used in /usr/src, at least in
> my old src tree, except for my uncommitted changes in libm parts.
> Bruce

The subsequent thread has taught me that I don't care enough about 
floating point to participate in this thread beyond the regression test 
point. :)


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