cvs commit: src/sys/amd64/include vmparam.h src/sys/arm/include vmparam.h src/sys/i386/include vmparam.h src/sys/ia64/include vmparam.h src/sys/kern kern_exec.c vfs_bio.c src/sys/powerpc/include vmparam.h src/sys/sparc64/include ...

Rink Springer rink at
Tue Sep 25 04:19:40 PDT 2007

Hi Alan,

On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 06:25:07AM +0000, Alan Cox wrote:
>   Change the management of cached pages (PQ_CACHE) in two fundamental
>   ways:

With this change, KDE no longer starts up; the process 'kbuildsycoca'
seems to wait forever in status 'madvpo'. Reverting this changeset fixes
the problem.

Rink P.W. Springer                                -
"root is always right" -- the kernel

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