cvs commit: src/lib/libarchive archive_read_open_fd.c archive_read_open_filename.c

Alfred Perlstein alfred at
Mon Jun 18 08:25:23 UTC 2007

* Tim Kientzle <kientzle at> [070617 21:52] wrote:
> Note that the second call returns a new file position
> that's exactly 0x2f800 bytes beyond the former file
> position, even though nothing has actually happened.
> I think any of the following would be reasonable behaviors:
>  * lseek() could return ESPIPE ("illegal seek")
>  * lseek() could return an unchanged file offset
>    (indicating that the file position was unchanged by
>     the attempted seek).
>  * lseek() could return ENOTSUP ("unsupported operation")
> As I said though, I just don't know that code well
> enough to propose a fix.

ENOTSUP seems to be the most "correct", although I sort of
see it being the equivelant of dispaching a sign saying
"bump" along the highway without actually fixing said
bump. :(

- Alfred Perlstein

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