cvs commit: src/etc/rc.d mountd

Pawel Jakub Dawidek pjd at
Fri Apr 13 10:54:26 UTC 2007

On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 11:35:50AM +0100, Ceri Davies wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 10:29:25AM +0000, Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
> > pjd         2007-04-13 10:29:25 UTC
> > 
> >   FreeBSD src repository
> > 
> >   Modified files:
> >     etc/rc.d             mountd 
> >   Log:
> >   mountd(8) was changed to only abort when all given exports files cannot be
> >   open, so we not longer has to check if /etc/zfs/exports exists.
> True, but it doesn't hurt to leave the check in.  That way, if I'm not
> exporting anything, I don't receive a spurious error every boot (as far
> as I'm aware, /etc/zfs/exports only gets created the first time you
> export something)..

Right, but with that check in-place you won't be able to start playing
with ZFS sharing, because although you have zfs_enable="YES" in your
/etc/rc.conf, mountd will ignore /etc/zfs/exports.

I'll add creating empty /etc/zfs/exports file from rc.d/zfs script when
zfs_enable="YES" is defined, so we won't get warnings from mountd.

Pawel Jakub Dawidek             
pjd at                 
FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!
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