cvs commit: src/etc/rc.d mountd

Mike Makonnen mtm at FreeBSD.Org
Fri Apr 13 09:34:49 UTC 2007

On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 10:49:30AM +0200, Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
> Anyway, I need to change it somehow by install for example an empty
> /etc/zfs/exports (not really nice), because I want to handle situation
> where one boots his system with zfs_enable="YES", but no
> /etc/zfs/exports and then start to export ZFS file systems over NFS.
> Currently it won't work without a reboot, because mountd(8) is skipping
> non-existing /etc/zfs/exports.

One option is simply to issue: /etc/rc.d/mountd restart
after nfs sharing is enabled.

Mike Makonnen          | GPG-KEY:
mmakonnen @ | AC7B 5672 2D11 F4D0 EBF8  5279 5359 2B82 7CD4 1F55
mtm @ FreeBSD.Org     | FreeBSD -

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