cvs commit: src/usr.bin/make job.c

Max Okumoto okumoto at
Mon May 16 21:16:31 PDT 2005

Max Okumoto wrote:
> Alexander Leidinger <Alexander at> writes:
> [stuff deleted]
>>For those which didn't looked at the src: he can't use mkstemp() since he
>>wants to create a fifo.
>>But "making a copy" and creating mkfifo() out of it looks like overkill to
>>me. Why not using mkdtemp() and creating a fixed name in this temporary
>>directory instead?
> [stuff deleted]
> Hmmm... Didn't think of that :-)  That is better way since I wouldn't
> have to maintain a my own copy of the code.  I will work up a patch.
>                       Max

If I use mkdtemp(), there is a chance that someone with the
same UID could race to build the fifo. Do we care about
races with ourselves?  Or am I just being toooo paranoid? :-)


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