cvs commit: src/sys/nfsclient nfs_nfsiod.c

John Baldwin jhb at
Wed Jul 2 10:42:13 PDT 2003

On 02-Jul-2003 Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> In message <20030702101716.E90143 at>, Nate Lawson writes:
>>On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
>>>   Change idle sleep indentifier to "-" for nfsiod
>>>   Revision  Changes    Path
>>>   1.78      +1 -1      src/sys/nfsclient/nfs_nfsiod.c
>>I'm ok with changing to a single character for the default sleep state but
>>"-" is the same as a running process.  For example:
>> 1000 90138 90136   2  18  0  1780 1364 pause  Ss    p0    0:00.10 -tcsh
>> 1000 90210 90138   2  28  0   440  196 -      R+    p0    0:00.00 ps axl
>>As you can see, without looking at the run field, it doesn't immediately
>>jump out at you which processes are asleep where the "pause" above
>>definitely does.  How about something like "+" or "*"?
> ...but as you can see, the sleeping processes lack the (R)unning flag.
> I don't care one iota what the string is, I simple went with '-' because
> the interrrupt threads already used that.

No, they don't use that.  You must have missed my earlier email.  Ithreads
block not in SSLEEP (or TDI_SLEEP) but in SWAIT, a different state altogether.
That state has no associated sleep channel, so ps prints the default '-'.
I don't mind '-', but I hadn't thought about the running process problem
earlier.  Perhaps "idle"?  Then ps and top could perhaps be taught to use
"idle" for mwchan of threads in TDI_WAIT?


John Baldwin <jhb at>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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