cvs commit: ports/ftp/llnlxdir Makefile distinfo pkg-descr ports/ftp/llnlxdir/files patch-aa patch-ab

Cy Schubert cy at
Sun Jul 17 20:35:43 UTC 2011

cy          2011-07-17 20:35:42 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Added files:
    ftp/llnlxdir         Makefile distinfo pkg-descr 
    ftp/llnlxdir/files   patch-aa patch-ab 
  Bring this port back from the dead and assume maintainership of it.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.21      +27 -0     ports/ftp/llnlxdir/Makefile (new)
  1.8       +2 -0      ports/ftp/llnlxdir/distinfo (new)
  1.4       +20 -0     ports/ftp/llnlxdir/files/patch-aa (new)
  1.3       +12 -0     ports/ftp/llnlxdir/files/patch-ab (new)
  1.3       +20 -0     ports/ftp/llnlxdir/pkg-descr (new)

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