cvs commit: ports/www/nginx Makefile distinfo ports/www/nginx/files extra-patch-ngx_postgres::config ports/www/nginx-devel Makefile distinfo ports/www/nginx-devel/files extra-patch-ngx_postgres::config

Sergey A. Osokin osa at
Tue Jul 12 15:46:57 UTC 2011

osa         2011-07-12 15:46:56 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    www/nginx            Makefile distinfo 
    www/nginx-devel      Makefile distinfo 
  Added files:
    www/nginx/files      extra-patch-ngx_postgres::config 
    www/nginx-devel/files extra-patch-ngx_postgres::config 
  Add one more third-party module:
  o) ngx_postgres-0.8 - upstream module that allows nginx to
     communicate directly with PostgreSQL database.
  Bump PORTREVISION is unnecessary, because these modules are
  disabled by default.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.388     +15 -0     ports/www/nginx-devel/Makefile
  1.339     +2 -0      ports/www/nginx-devel/distinfo
  1.1       +19 -0     ports/www/nginx-devel/files/extra-patch-ngx_postgres::config (new)
  1.268     +15 -0     ports/www/nginx/Makefile
  1.231     +2 -0      ports/www/nginx/distinfo
  1.1       +19 -0     ports/www/nginx/files/extra-patch-ngx_postgres::config (new)

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