cvs commit: ports/sysutils Makefile ports/sysutils/gaffitter Makefile distinfo pkg-descr ports/sysutils/gaffitter/files gaffitter.1

Martin Wilke miwi at
Sat Mar 20 19:36:43 UTC 2010

miwi        2010-03-20 19:36:43 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    sysutils             Makefile 
  Added files:
    sysutils/gaffitter   Makefile distinfo pkg-descr 
    sysutils/gaffitter/files gaffitter.1 
  Genetic Algorithm File Fitter, GAFFitter for short, is a tool based
  on a genetic algorithm (GA) that tries to fit a collection of items
  into as few as possible volumes of a specific size.
  For example, the items might be files/directories and the volumes
  might be CDs or DVDs.
  The task of arranging items in such manner that the number of
  required bins is minimized is called Bin Packing, a NP-hard
  combinatorial problem for which no deterministic polynomial-time
  algorithm is known. Using heuristics, such as GAs, it is usually
  possible to approximate -- and often reach -- the best solution for
  the problem within a reasonable time.
  PR:             ports/144725
  Submitted by:   Charlie Kester <corky1951 at>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1171    +1 -0      ports/sysutils/Makefile
  1.1       +31 -0     ports/sysutils/gaffitter/Makefile (new)
  1.1       +3 -0      ports/sysutils/gaffitter/distinfo (new)
  1.1       +190 -0    ports/sysutils/gaffitter/files/gaffitter.1 (new)
  1.1       +15 -0     ports/sysutils/gaffitter/pkg-descr (new)

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